Our Sunday Service is about the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Through scripture reading, prayer, congregational singing, expositional preaching, and communion, we celebrate the fact that Jesus Christ came and conquered Satan, sin, and death.


The mark of a true church is the preaching of the Word of God, the participation in the ordinances, and discipline when necessary. We put these in order of importance and frequency. It is our hope that we do not exercise church discipline often but realize it is a biblical call and do when we must. We believe the frequency of communion and baptism can be administered with freedom according to the Scriptures (1 Corinthians 11;26). But above all. we believe the preaching of the Bible to be central to the existence of the church. If there is no Word preached, then there is no church. We believe a systematic expository approach to the Bible is the best "diet" we can "feed the sheep." So we move back and forth through OT books and NT books with an occasional topical series.

Worship through SONG

At Redeemer we participate corporately in worship through song. As people who are redeemed we are filled with joy and thankfulness. One way we express that is through the singing of songs. We do this in accordance with Ephesians 5:19 “addressing one another with psalms, hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody to the Lord with your heart.” Our singing is directed towards the triune God who has planned, purchased and sealed our redemption. We purposely sing songs that speak to the biblical characteristics of God, express thankfulness to Him and speak to His continued grace in our lives. By doing this it binds us together as God's people who are wholly loved, redeemed and joyful by His grace. As for style, we want to connect to the past and move into the future. Thus we seek to sing a balance of God-centered hymns and biblically sound contemporary songs.


We want our kids to experience Sunday service and hear God’s Word in a way that they’re going to understand. On Sunday mornings, our REV Kids get together and do just that. While the adults are listening to the sermon, our preschool kids to 5th graders are released to the kids area. Here we play games and make crafts pertaining to the lesson and learn how God wants us to know him better.